Love Your Neighbor Day
The Christian Church of Villa Park is sponsoring its ninth local action day - Love your Neighbor Day - on Saturday, September 16, 2023 (Rain Date: September 23). We will continue to take safety precautions due to COVID-19 and will only be doing outdoor repairs and yard maintenance. Homeowner applications are due by August 12, 2023.
Volunteers will come together to help homeowners in need in Lombard and Villa Park. Volunteers are members, family and friends from the Christian Church of Villa Park and a number of other participating churches in Villa Park and Lombard.
We know that God is telling us to reach out to our neighbors, to help them in whatever way they need and we're partnering with other churches and organizations to meet that call. One way we are doing that is through our Love Your Neighbor Day ministry.
Love Your Neighbor Day is an ecumenical day of service in our community sponsored by the Christian Church of Villa Park in cooperation with other local churches and with the support of our local villages and township. It brings together volunteers who want to help their neighbors in need. We seek out members of our community who need help maintaining or repairing their yards and homes, but don't have the physical ability or financial ability to do so themselves. By coming together as one body, and with God’s help, our team of volunteers accomplish miracles in one day for these homeowners. We form friendships with one another that will help us strengthen our community and lay the groundwork for future service to our neighbors in need.
Our 10th annual Love Your Neighbor Day will take place on September 21, 2024. The first Love Your Neighbor Day took place in 2015. It grew out of the desire of the members of the Christian Church of Villa Park to open their church doors and move out into the community to serve God. In September 2015, 50 individuals came together to spend the day helping the 10 individuals/families. In September 2023, over 120 volunteers helped 24 homeowners in doing yard work and making repairs to their homes. Each year, a lot of great work is accomplished by the volunteers in just a single day. . Even more importantly, God’s love is shared with our neighbors and in the community.
Love Your Neighbor Day relies on your contributions of time, energy, faith and funding from our community. Please consider being a volunteer on Love Your Neighbor Day! Sign-up forms are available below.
With the contributions and funding we receive, all materials, equipment and supplies necessary for the work done are provided to the homeowners at no charge, making sure everyone can apply for and receive help. Please consider making a donation today! (Checks should be written to Christian Church of Villa Park, with the memo "for LYND" and mailed to 1336 S Villa Avenue, Villa Park, IL 60181.)
Our hope is that each Love Your Neighbor Day will help to build community ties that will strengthen our bond to one another and to God.
Please email loveyourneighbor15@yahoo.com if you have questions or need additional information.
We are working to identify individuals and families in Villa Park and Lombard who, because of lack of finances or physical limitations are unable to keep up with repairs and maintenance on their homes and who could use some help from their neighbors. Applications due August 18, 2024.
Volunteers are what make this day a success. Come together to help homeowners in need in Lombard and Villa Park. We are always looking for more help, are you willing to reach out to someone in need? Sign up by September 8, 2024.